Curriculum Vitae
Kari Helene Partapuoli

University of Tromsø, Norway: Social anthropology, 1995-1998, Cand. Polit. (M.A.)
University of Edinburgh, Scotland: Social anthropology, 1995-1996, ERASMUS student.
University of Tromsø, Norway: Social anthropology, English, Latin, Philosophy, 1992-1994, Cand. Mag. (B. A.)

"A Place of Globalization. Cross-Cultural Cooperation between Estonian and Norwegian Business People in Tallinn".
The thesis (141 pages) is concerned with cooperation issues in and among smaller Norwegian-Estonian firms, e.g. administration, negotiation strategies, relations between business associates, cross-cultural business communication, as well as the interplay between global culture and local settings.

The thesis is published on:

Data for the thesis was collected during independently planned and conducted fieldwork in Tallinn, Estonia, with particular emphasis on 12 small Norwegian-Estonian firms. Formal invitation from Tallinn Technical University.
Methods: participant observation, formal and informal interviews, consultation of written sources. The fieldwork lasted from February 1996 until August 1996. Return visits to Estonia: November 1996, December 1997, January 1999, June 1999 and May 2002.

Norwegian: native speaker.
English: fluent, written and spoken.
Danish: fluent, written and spoken.
Estonian: basic knowledge.

Fall 2007: Lecture on ethnicity and gender in voluntary work for Center for frivilligt socialt arbejde (Danish center for voluntary social work)
Fall 2006 (and 2005): Lecture on violence against women in Denmark, The Danish Institute for Human Rights.
Spring 2005:
Lecture in women's position in Estonia, Reden's project: Stop Trafficking.
Fall 2003:
Taught my own course: "East meets West: Business in the Baltic Countries".
Fall 2003: Lectures on the history of the Danish crisis center movement, as part of Severin and Danidas democracy project for Russian women in St. Petersburg.

Fall 2002: Lecture on production and consumption, University of Copenhagen, Department of Anthropology. Course: "Complex societies".
Fall 2002: Lecture on methods, University of Copenhagen, Department of Anthropology. Course: "Power, State and Nationalism: in East/ Central Europe."
Spring 2001: "When 'East' and 'West' Meet: Anthropology of Western Business Investments in Post-Soviet Societies (The case of Estonia)", presented in English for anthropology students at The University of Vilnius, Lithuania, April 2001.
Fall 2000: Two lectures on comparison in anthropology, University of Copenhagen, Department of Anthropology. Course: "Comparison in anthropology".
Fall 1997: Teaching and supervising two classes of undergraduate students in Social Anthropology at the University of Tromsø, Norway (228 work hours, and 144 teaching hours).
Spring 1996: Organizing weekly English conversation classes at Tallinn Technical University together with Professor Wayne Thompson.
"Something Smells Funny...", paper about fieldwork experiences presented for first year anthropology students, University of Tromsø, Norway fall 1996 and fall 1997.

"Dannerhuset i Cameroun", in Kvinden og Samfundet, volume 4, 2006.

"We Demand a Truckload of Money", in Politiken, Saturday 11.26.2005, co-authored with Mette Bom.

"The Cultural Production of Luxury Goods in Russia: Fur as a traditional and and modern symbol of Russian Luxury", presented at the International Conference on Fashion and Dress at Denmark's Design School, 26-28 October 2005.

Kvinderummet. Dannerhuset som kvindepolitisk forum og krisecenter, Copenhagen: Informations forlag, 2004. Book on Dannerhuset, co-authored with Britta M. Lindqvist and Lea Holst Spenceley.

"Doing Anthropology in the World of Business: Experiences from Fieldwork Among Western Businessmen in Tallinn, Estonia", presented at the first Baltic anthropology confernece: Defining Ourselves: Establishing Anthropology in the Baltics, 10.04.2003.

"Scenes from a Danish Class", in Jordens Folk, volume 2, September 2003.

"Made in Estonia. Design, Taste and Modern Estonian Identity", presented at the seminar Micro Perspectives on Post-Soviet Transformations in Helsinki, March 2003.

"Western Ideology in the East. Norwegian Business in Estonia in the 1990s", presented at the conference Other Easts, Other Wests: new constructions of otherness in East-West relations, The Norwegian University Centre, St. Petersburg, Russia, 05.10.2002.

"Formal Estonian Business Culture and Informal Networks. Love, Friendship and Contacts among Norwegian and Estonian Business People in the 1990s", presented at The Fourth Nordic Conference on the Anthropology of Post Communism, Copenhagen, Denmark, 04.20.2002.

"’A Horrible Place’ with Good Food and Pretty Lamps", essay on Danish culture presented for the International Cafe for foreign students, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, 03.13.2002, to a seminar for Norwegian export industries at The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Denmark, 06.04.2003, and to DnbNOR 06.15.2007.

"To Win Over the Swedes!", in Weekendavisen, Friday 02.25.2000.

"Estonian Song Festival in Unison and Dissonance", in Estlands-nytt, no. 1, February 2000.

"The Baltic Business Mentality", in Berlingske Tidende, Sunday 05.30.1999, summary also published in Dansk-Estisk Selskabs Nyt and in Estlands-nytt, no. 3/4, September 1999.

"Wild West in the East. 10 years of Creating Myths", in Estlands-nytt no. 2, April 1999.

"Norwegian Business People in Tallinn, Estonia - a Marginal Group at Home and Representatives for Western Business Culture Abroad", presented for the annual meeting of The Estonian-Norwegian association in Oslo, Norway 03.23.1999.

"Anthropological Perspectives on Power and Communication", paper read in partial fulfillment of the requirements of my Cand. Polit. degree (M.A.), University of Tromsø, Norway, 12.10.1998.

"Naive Norwegians and Calculating Estonians? Different Logics of Business", presented at the Second Nordic Conference for Eastern European Studies, University of Bergen, Norway 09.14.1997, and at a research seminar, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Tromsø, Norway, 03.14.1997.

"The World's Oldest Profession? Anthropologists and Job Prospects", in Cultura Polaris, No. 1, 1997.

November 1997: Attending the official program in connection with the Norwegian Prime Minister's visit to Estonia, including a business conference.

"Norwegian versus Estonian Business Culture - a Presentation in Black and White", presented to the Estonian Bar Association of Lawyers, Tallinn, Estonia, 04.25.1996.

"The Sex/Gender Distinction with Reference to the So-Called Third Sex", in Yearbook for Norwegian Masters Students of Social Anthropology, 1996.

Together with Finn Sivert Nielsen, editor, Web Master and founder of the anthropological text database AnthroBase. Responsible for editing and updating the database.

Fall 1997 and Spring 1998: Founder of Cultura Polaris; a journal for students at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Tromsø, Norway. Editor of the first volume of the journal (fall 1997). Coeditor of the second volume (spring 1998). Responsibilities: editing, layout, administration, distribution and original contributions (interviews, book reviews etc.).

August-2018 (current) National Director, Plan International Norway
June 2013-July 2018: Director, Development Fund
January 2008-June 2013: Director, The Norwegian Center against Racism and Discrimination (Antirasistisk Senter)
February 2007-September 2007:
Coordinator, Center for Immigrant Women, Copenhagen, Denmark
May 2006-January 2007:
Consultant, counsellor, and fundraiser at Center for Immigrant Women, Copenhagen, Denmark.
March 2007-December 2007:
Chairwoman of RAW (Rights for African Women)
January 2006-December 2007:
Project coordinator for Dannerhuset's and ITUL's Cameroon Project: (voluntary work).
March 2005-December 2005:
Coordinator Dannerhuset
June 2003-March 2005:
Consultant for voluntary work, Project Manager, Spokes person, Dannerhuset Women's Center.
January 2003: Report on Norway and Norwegian consumers, for the advertising agency Republica. Used the analytical tool Minerva.
March 2000-February 2002: Web Editor, and Copy Editor for LookSmart's Norwegian web directory.
Fall 1999: Final exams in Danish as a Second Language, VUC - Copenhagen, Denmark.
Fall 1999: Market analysis of the Baltic capitals for Cicero (Danish publishing company), on the basis of their plan to publish the book: Funshopping - Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius
October 1996-August 1997: Secretary at a physiotherapeutical institute in Tromsø, Norway. Responsibilities included: writing of journals, customer service, filing, word processing, routine administrative work.
Summer 1994: Tourist guide at the historical museum in Vågå, Norway. Responsibilities included: guiding, writing of a manual (15 pages) consisting of practical guidelines for future guides, descriptions of the exhibited objects and suggestions for better marketing of the museum, some of which were later implemented.
Spring 1992: Course in tourist guiding at Tranberg Videregående School. Courses in written and spoken English and practical guiding.
May 1992: Writing a manual (40 pages) for buss guiding in the Vågå area, Norway and collecting the material for the guide from written sources, individuals and institutions.
Summer 1987: Language exchange student for one month in San Diego, CA, through EF (European Summer Courses in Europe and America).

Fall 1995: 10.000 Norwegian Kroner from the Thomas Fearnley, Heddy and Nils Astrup (Norwegian shipowners) foundation in connection with my fieldwork for the Masters thesis in Tallinn, Estonia.

Fall 1994 and Spring 1995: ERASMUS scholarship from the University of Tromsø, Norway granted to study Social Anthropology for one year at the University of Edinburgh, Great Britain.

Microsoft Office, Internet, PageMaker, FrontPage and Dreamweaver.
Web Master for AnthroBase, Norsk-estisk forening, Kvinderummet, NAWBS, and RAW.
Former member of Norsk Datatermgruppe, which translates English computer words and expressions to Norwegian.