Place of Globalization. Cross-Cultural Cooperation between Estonian
and Norwegian Business People in Tallinn, MA-thesis, University
of Tromsø, 1998.
Ideology in the East. Norwegian Business in Estonia in the 1990s",
paper on Western Business Ideology in Eastern Europe, presented at the
seminar Other Easts, Other Wests: new constructions of otherness
in East-West relations, The Norwegian University Centre i St. Petersburg,
Russland, 05.10.2002.
Estonian Business Culture and Informal Networks. Love, Friendship and
Contacts among Norwegian and Estonian Business People in the 1990s",
paper on informal networks in business, presented at The Fourth Nordic
Conference on the Anthropology of Post Communism in Copenhagen,
forretningsmentalitet", article on Baltic business culture, published
in Danish in Berlingske Tidende Sunday 05.30.1999
"Vill vest
i øst. 10 år med myteskaping", article on Western myths about Eastern
Europe, published in Estlands-nytt number 2, April 1999.
sangfestival i samklang og disharmoni", article on the Estonian
song festival 1999, published in Estlands-nytt, number
1, February 2000.
Smelled Funny...", lecture on anthropological method, presented
at the Dåfjord seminar, University of Tromsø, fall
1996 and fall 1997.
perspektiver på maktutøvelse gjennom kommunikative virkemidler",
lecture on power as an instrument of communication, University of Tromsø,
Sex/Gender Distinction with Reference to the So-Called Third Sex",
essay on constructions of gender and sex, published in Hovedfagsstudentenes
årbok 1996. Sosialantropologi, Oslo, 1996.
viktigste er ikke å vinne, men å slå svenskene" - essay
on Norwegians, Danes and Swedes, published in Norwegian in Weekendavisen
Friday 02.25.2000.
Horrible Place' with Good Food and Pretty Lamps" - essay on Danish
Culture presented for foreign students at the Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Copenhagen, 03.13.2002.
"Naive Norwegians and Calculating
Estonians? Different Logics of Business"